Astrom Chang Portfolio

Astrom Chang is a personal friend of mine that I’ve known for over ten years. His work and dedication has always been an influence on me. He has worked throughout Manchester delivering art based workshop’s to school children and youth centres. Exhibited art in various galleries, he has worked with various community based organization’s; Lifeline/ Black Health Agency/ Manchester Multi Agency Gang Strategy (MMAGS). He is currently working on ‘ASTROMCOMICS’, a comic book he has created. He entered his comic character ‘Starky’ in the Create a character for the Stan Lee Foundation. Stan Lee being a famous comic book writer and the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics. Astrom Chang’s Illustrations are a mixture of comic style, noir and manga. A lot of his work communicates sequentially about education, social issues, health and various other concerns in all communities he is interested in. His is also inspired by Fine Art, Pop Art, Film, TV, Music and Fashion.

By marcleacock1