
Study Skills

  1. I can go to the library and look at the structure of other peoples essays. I could create my own structure and follow it every time I start an essay.
  2. Use BISSTO as we have been given on Moodle and follow the exercises to become more accustomed to Harvard referencing. I plan to complete the exercise in the next two weeks when my rough draft needs to be finished.
  3. Get used to using the library. This will benefit me in the future.
  4. Bring my Voice Recorder to sessions and record my lectures.
  5. When a certain word comes up that I don’t understand, create my own glossary in which I have the understanding of the words written down once found in a dictionary.

Practical Skills

  1. Will look at more designers and gain a better understanding can help.
  2. Ongoing. Gain more knowledge and experience
  3. Looking through tutorials on google and youtube can help me learn more artistic techniques on Photoshop. Ongoing
  4. Buy a sketchbook to work in. I could look at other peoples past sketchbooks for some inspiration.

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