Elvis Jumpsuit/ Sansdisk – Cher Campbell

This is an illustration poster ad for the USB Flash Drive from Sansdisk. They demonstrate a textbook visual solution. Put a lot of stuff in a little package. A simple concept executed simply with a powerful result. I really like the colours similar to the Apple Ipod posters, cartoon imagery and the simplicity of the illustrations.

By marcleacock1

Companionship – Erin Hanson

The designer has took an introspective look into her own life and created s series of illustrations showing the contrast between what show wants and what she needs. As humans we often tend to lust/ envy for materialistic objects. Sometimes it’s personal and other times it relates to social pressure. The bottom line is you only need enough to survive.

By marcleacock1

Toy Story ‘Alien’ Poster – Oliver Phillips

Minimalist design is a creative and highly innovative art form of the 20th century and 21st century. The best designs are the ones that convey optimum message through minimum design elements. This is because most viewers have limited power of the understanding of the information revealed to them. The task of saying more with less proves the creativity and ability of a graphic designer. This particular poster displays three eyes over a green background. To me, this advertises very well, especially with the use of colour contrast. Also incorporating humour the poster is very important considering the topic is somewhat humorous to begin with.

By marcleacock1

‘Rocky’ Minimalist Poster – Matt Owen

This is another example of minimalism where people who may have already seen the movie will instantly interpret the two lead characters . The poster displays the iconic images of the two boxing shorts both fighters Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed wear in the movie.

By marcleacock1

Bombs Away (Reality TV) – Peter Kuper

This is an example of simple composition yet it gets its point across effectively. The poster displays an image of a a television and on the screen you can see the use of figure ground theory. The mind interprets both the image of two planes bombing a building but also interprets the image of what looks like a skull. Skulls and skeletons are linked to death and destruction.


By marcleacock1

War = Death – Michael Mabry

The graphic designer and illustrator has dedicated his career to creating visual images that challenge the mind and touch the heart. I believe this is a simple composition but gets it’s point across effectively. The message reads ‘War = Death’, but what makes this interesting to me is the use of the skull and figure ground theory. The mind interprets both the message and the skull image. Skull and skeletons are linked to both death and destruction.


By marcleacock1

Guitar Lessons – Max Dalton

The illustrator has created a poster that features 35 of the most iconic ‘Rock n Roll’ male guitarists of all time. This poster is a celebration of ‘Play Guitar’ books and the people who have inspired that particular pastime over the years. You may not be a fan of this particular genre of music, but the poster has been made with the simplicity that you may recognize certain iconic guitarists; Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Kurt Cobain, etc.

By marcleacock1

Listen with your eyes – Nathan Shinkle

The poster is an inspired 60’s/ 70’s retro design.This poster is an example of optical interplay. The brain will interpret the picture as a vinyl record and also the minimalist design of an eyeball.

By marcleacock1

Peace – Ali Tomak (Turkey)

The poster displays the image of a Dove with a giant ball and chain attached to its ankle. The dove tends to be a symbol for freedom because of their natural extinct and ability of flight. The ball and chain prevents freedom and independence.

By marcleacock1